Hello, if you are here you clearly want to know more about the man behind this stupid website. I am a 25 year old boomer from the great country of Scotland, and I have many interests, chief amongst them being all things horror - films, games, books, TV, all of it!

Other than films, I have a great interest in old technology, CRTs, VHS tapes, vinyl, cassette, betamax, laserdisc, the works!

The preservation of the net as a bastion of freedom, and free information is something I am very passionate about. I believe in the archival, and preservation of music, films, software, images, and books on the great world wide web.

I enjoy collecting VHS tapes, CDs, magazines, books, and DVDs - all second hand. Physical media is so important in an increasingly digital world! I will own things and I will be happy!

Video games are a big part of my life also, I have a cool little (47kg!!!) CRT TV with a Wii, PSX, PS2, and combi-DVD/VCR hooked up to it. Some of my favorite games to play on it are Soul Calibur II & III, Tekken 5, Timesplitters, Urban Chaos, and Final Fantasy. On the PC side of things, I'm always looking for the "b-movies" of games - lesser known titles from the 90s and 00s with a weird streak, whether this be an RTS, an FMV Point 'n' Click or a Text-based adventure.

Music wise I am a massive boomer, I love me some classic rock baby!
Tom Petty, Creedence Clearwater Revival, CSNY, Franz Ferdinand, Dido, Kate Bush, Paul Simon, Peter Frampton, Peter Gabriel, Genesis, The Cardigans, Willie Nelson, Warren Zevon, and The Who are some of my favorite bands and musicians to listen to.
Offline, I am partial to a good cup of coffee, a nice walk at night with my headphones on, and perusing charity shops (thrift stores if you're a burger) and cooking! Occasionally I will hang out with some of my friends such as Mimi when I can, and get coffee together.

(open my links in a new tab if u want to listen to the tunes longer)