Man, this film rocks, everyone is dressed like a Nomura character and talk like they were written by 70 year olds, but it is just so goddamn compelling watching this stacked cast rollerskate their way around a nonsense plot while all the greatest hits of the 90s club scene play. Big shout out to Jonny Lee Miller's prepostorous accent and Matthew Lillard chewing the scenery.
One of Mann's best, and deeply underappreciated in his filmography. This is a slick, slick film. Beautifully shot, excellently scored, and sublimely performed by Tom Noonan and William Peterson, with a short but memorable turn by Brian Cox as Hannibal Lecktor. There are few scenes to me as genuinely awe-inspiring as Will Graham just fucking JUMPING through a plate glass window while In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida kicks off. Cinema. |
This film is insane. It has perhaps one of the worst sound mixes I've ever heard, the music will not stop playing, and it will drown out the dialogue, and you will love it. There are little creatures galore, an action figure that attacks an airplane and decapitates a guy, a chilli goblin that has its own chilli based theme song, and a stop motion wendigo-taur. I cannot stress how fun this film is. |
I prefer this to the first film (which is a masterpiece) for a few reasons: George C. Scott and Brad Dourif give such fantastic performances, and deliver such well written dialogue, and the direction of director William Peter Blatty creates such an atmospheric film that it's hard not to instantly adore it. George C. Scott was nominated for a "razzie" for worst actor for "slumming it" in a "cash grab" sequel, which goes to show that the world has a lot of fucking morons in it. |
Stone faced son-of-a-bitch Takeshi Kitano's opus Sonatine shows us what Yakuza goons get up to in between killing and being killed. A somber meditation on leading a life of violence with a killer score by Joe Hisaishi, frequent Kitano collaborator. The beach stop-motion scene is an all timer for me personally, such a bittersweet moment between criminals. |
John Woo baby! JCVD gives his best bayou twang decked head to toe in denim, sporting a hellacious mullet, roundhouse kicking motherfuckers all over the shop. Lance Henriksen? Arnold Vosloo? Wilford Brimley as a bayou nutjob? Hell yeah brother. Fine work. JCVD punches a snake. |
An extremely low budget "zombie" movie without any brain-eating or tired genre tropes. Very, very inventive take on a derivative genre from Scooter McCrae and Stark Raven (get it?). Atmospheric as all hell, and makes full use of its locations to provide great production value. Has a LOT of nudity and unsimulated vaginal penetration with a gun! Great Blu-Ray from Saturn's Core. |
It's Blade Runner, it's great. Cool minituares, cool sets, cool score (rip Vangelis), cool actors, cool! |
Could be the greatest film ever made. Arnie at the height of his powers, Sharon Stone at the height of hers. Legendary antagonists Ronny Cox, and Michael Ironside, giant bloody squibs and great matte paintings, mixed with that Verhoeven touch. Greatness. |
Action. Action. Action! What a movie, Woo brings the best of the Hong Kong heroic-bloodshed style to the screen here, every shootout is perfection. Has a oner that is unrivalled in cinema. Baby pee saves the day. |
Pitch black drama film about a pool huster, played by the immensely cool Paul Newman opposite the jet black George C. Scott as his manager. The film is a showcase of what happens when people feed into each others worst tendencies (it ends horribly, who knew lmao). Has one of my favorite endings of any film ever made. "And I sure got character now." |
Ngai Choi Lam delivers gory, cheesy goodness. Goddamn, this film rocks. Riki gets his tendon severed in his forearm and ties it back together like a shoelace before kicking some ass. Cool as fuck. |
This film is my happy place, god bless True Stories, god bless David Byrne and god bless John Goodman, with his "consistent panda bear shape". Such a genuine film about the joys of small-town americana consumerism. |